Online survey creation for Fly UX
Optional Diploma coursework.
I used Google Forms to create my survey as it was free and allowed me to ask more than 10 question – (there weren’t really 10 questions, just lots were ‘embedded’ (eg: if not why not?).
Easiest way to gather online requirements
Can obtain quantitive and qualitative data
Can be powerful due to number of responses
Can be unambiguous due to number of responses
Ask the 3 golden questions:
Why did you visit … today?
Were you able to complete your task today? If not, why not?
What would you change about our website/app. What improvements would you make?
Make sure the survey is short - no more than 10 questions (consider dividing question up between participants)
Keep all the questions on one page
Don’t ask redundant questions (ie: consider what information you can also get from analytics)
Only ask genuinely useful questions
There is an ideal sample size you should aim to achieve, dependent on audience/customers and the margin of error you are comfortable with.
Most users wanted to check availability (24%) or price (24%). Users most often used an aggregator such as Skyscanner (50%) as well as an App. Price was the main reason users chose a flight (29%), followed by route (21%). Users want transparency of cost up front, not surprise extras and taxes added on at the end.
Thoughts since submission
What nightmare timing! To do a project based on booking flights, in the middle of lock-down due to a global pandemic when no one can fly! I recognise that the data collected from this survey is quite flawed due to:
My personal circumstances - I struggled to find a diverse group of people that felt they had the time to answer my survey (I wasn’t working at the time so couldn’t tap into fellow colleagues, and a lot of my friends have young families and work full time - it was too much to ask of them, and the oldies don’t use technology to book flights!). I couldn’t get much traction on Facebook and at the time I wasn’t comfortable using Linked-In or Twitter.
Nobody was flying so I was asking people to remember things and recall emotions from 8–12 months ago (sometimes longer) for some parts of the process.
Having done the survey after the benchmarking process I would want to go back and assess the BA App too (most used), so was this the best way round to do the research?…